12-13 May – Müpa Budapest, Auditorium
MAY 12 (THU)
9:00 Registration
9:30 Session 1: The Play Changers
- PAPAGENO / David Zsoldos (HU)
A short welcome: Can classical music thrive in the digital ecosystem?
- STEINWAY SPIRIO / Hans-Heinrich Schalkowski (DE)
Tradition meet innovation. Piano classical artists today and immortals in digital version to use for new kind of studies: Spirio – a new high-resolution player system that provides an unrivaled musical expierience, indistinguishable from a live performance. But how to use Steinway Spirio from now on in conservatories and other institutions? And how can it revive such legends as Gould and Rachmaninov? Just listen!
- SYMPHONY MEDIA / Rob Overman (NL)
SYMPHONY – a revenue share Netflix model: In 2007, Rob Overman founded monteverdi.tv, one of the first video streaming services in classical music. Since then he has been involved as co-founder in several VOD and TV channels. SYMPHONY is the first platform that has developed a convincing revenue model for a select group of international symphony orchestras. Inspired by Netflix and the EUFA Champions League. Launch: April 2022! An exclusive insight into an innovative business model.
- MOON JELLY / Ricardo van Mildert (NL)
The blockchain revolution in the music industry: The blockchain revolution is a fact, but it still remains to be seen how this is going to affect the music industry. Web3.0 music start-ups are emerging everywhere, and pop artists are embracing blockchain projects en masse. Should we welcome these initiatives? How can the blockchain improve the music industry? What are NFTs? In this pitch these questions will be answered. A short introduction to blockchain technology will be presented, followed by an overview of the music industry problems that this technology might be an answer too. Next, we will focus on NFTs, some key players, and real-life examples. Lastly, some potential trends for the future and some potential issues will be discussed.

11:30 Session 2: ENCORE Accelerando
How will young professionals shape the classical music world? 10 great ideas from all over Europe are competing for the JM Accelerando prizes.
Mathías Santibáñez (CL), Lamija Sarić (BA), Nejla Žunić (BA), Vanda Weinberger (HU), Kristine Botros (SE), Marija Mitrović (ME), Angel Spiroski (MK), Justin Bartlett (FR/US), Serena Huang (FR/US), Ivan Šimatović (HR), Marija Anđela Biondić (HR), Dominika Ács (HU), María Valverde (HU), Veronika T.-Potzner (HU)
13:30 Session 3: Just sit and watch!
- IDAGIO / Till Janczukowicz (DE)
Online Careers – better get used to it! A deeper look at what IDAGIO Founder and former Artist Manager Till Janczukowicz calls “The three Building Blocks of the Artist-Fan Relationship” shows surprising opportunities in three areas: Entertainment, Education, Engagement. The pandemic triggered accelerated adoption of new technology and changed entrenched behaviors. New trends can help us rethink the Performing Arts, create new formats, design new levels of value exchange between artists and audiences, and create new experiences for listeners and new revenue models for artists.
- ARTE / Alexander Herbert (UK) & Dominic Konrad (DE)
Creating an online opera season for Europe: The ARTE Opera Season is a collaborative project between the European cultural broadcaster, ARTE and more than 20 opera houses across the continent. This presentation explores the challenges and practicalities of bringing a multilingual offer of live and VOD operas to a European digital public for free.
- eSzínház (eTheater) / Gergely Légrádi (HU)
Streaming and cross-selling of cultural performances: eTheather – from idea to realization. A holistic cultural approach: from theatre plays to classical music (the cross-selling exercise). Lessons learnt: what are the customers looking for, what are the actual needs that viewers are covering by streaming? Streaming and “selling” classical music on the internet: difficult but far from impossible. Streaming is a stand-alone way of enjoying/consuming culture as well as a defense line at the same time. Hybrid model and strategic virtual auditorium against geographic barriers, pandemic concerns and many other issues.
- IMZ / Max Ortner (AT)
The Strength of an International Network: The presentation will introduce the IMZ International Music and Media Centre + highlight its current projects, and illustrate the importance of an international network focusing on streaming platforms in the performing arts sector.

15:30 Session 4: Prepare for life!
Vocational training for young artists is more and more common – but where should we put the focus?
- enCORE / Wojtek Hazanowitz, JM Poland (PL)
- Focus on You / Eszter Bodnár, Sonus Foundation (CA/HU)
- Play it Loud! / Bogdana Bushevska, JM Macedonia (MK)
Play it Loud – a walk-through the project by JMI about gender mainstreaming in the music sector
- Werk Akadémia; Eötvös Loránd University / Vera Meczner (HU)
Chair: JM Denmark / Michael Christensen

17:30 Session 5: ENCORE Accelerando – The Winners
MAY 13 (FRI)
Danube Day of Classical Music
9:30 Session 1: The Pearls of the Danube
- JM Austria / Katharina Fink (AT)
The challanges of organizing concerts with young musicians for a young audience: JM Austria was established in 1949 as a non-profit organization. Organizing around 600 concerts a year, JM Austria is one of the leading concert organizers in Austria. The presentation will focus on the challenges in sales and marketing nowadays as well as on solution approaches.
- Romanian Chamber Orchestra / Ovidiu Florian Andris (RO)
Romanian Chamber Orchestra – a model of cooperation and commitment: The orchestra brings together in a yearly two weeks tournament the most prestigious Romanian musicians from abroad. The project had three editions up till present, despite the pandemic restrictions. The presentation will focus on the values and common objectives that bring together the orchestra each year, highlighting both challenges and achievements, in a complex socio-cultural context.
- House of Music, Hungary / Artemisz Severinghaus (HU)
Let’s Play Music! – the concept, technology and pedagogy behind Budapest’s new interactive music history exhibition: House of Music, Hungary combines two concert halls, a music history exhibition and a diverse music educational program to create holistic musical experiences. The presentation focuses on the innovative and interactive tools of technology and pedagogy, with which classical music history, as well as folk, pop, jazz, and contemporary music is brought to life for the visitors of the house.

11:30 Session 2: Waves of festivals
Established classical music festivals from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania – what are the common challenges?
- Bartók Spring & Liszt Fest / Csaba Káel (HU)
- Enescu Festival / Cristina Uruc (RO)
- Esterházy Foundation, Classic.Esterhazy & Herbstgold / Andreas Richter (AT)
- Osor Festival / Josip Nalis (HR)
Chair: Kaposfest, Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra / Balázs Hornyák (HU)

13:30 Session 3: Running an Orchestra
The most important entities of the classical music world are facing new possibilities, but also threats – representatives of four symphony orchestras from the Danube region.
- Banatul Philharmonic of Timișoara / Ovidiu Florian Andris (RO)
Banatul Philharmonic of Timișoara has always been a reference cultural institution in Timișoara, taking up an important formative role in the local community. Nevertheless, due to decreasing audiences it has recently engaged in a process of modernization and of addressing the actual needs of the musicians as well as in a journey of better connecting with the public. It is also a time in which the artistic excellence has become paramount for the philharmonic.
- ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra / Dr. Christoph Becher (AT)
Concerts after pandemic. About resilience of cultural life.
- Vratsa Symphony Orchestra / Christo Pavlov (BG)
- Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra / Naima Balić (HR)
Chair: former President of PEARL, former CEO of the Hung. Natl. Phil., art manager / Géza Kovács (HU)

Dr. Christoph Becher – Photo © Theresa Wey
15:30 Session 4: Streams of knowledge
Music conservatories are legacy institutions, but how can they tackle the challenges of the digital era?
- Gheorghe Dima Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca / Cristina Pascu (RO)
- Liszt Academy of Music / Júlia Torda (HU)
A Quick Intro to the Complexity of the Liszt Academy
- Ljubljana Academy of Music / Prof. Dušan Bavdek (SI)
- Zagreb Academy of Music / Prof. Anđelko Krpan (HR)
Chair: University of Debrecen Faculty of Music / Judit Váradi, PhD (HU)

The project is sponsored by the DANUBE SMALL PROJECT FUND funded by: The Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, Arbeitgemeinschaft Donauländer, State of Lower Austria, City of Regensburg, Danube Office Ulm / Neu-Ulm, Volksbank Ulm-Biberach and the Cultural Officer for the Danube Region at the Danube Swabian Central Museum Ulm.
Please note that the conference will be held in English and no interpretation will be provided. Photographs and audio-visual footage may be taken, by registering for this event you acknowledge and consent to be recorded or photographed and accept that you may be included in the audiovisual recordings/photographs open to the press – images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information.